

    Entries Now Open for Elite Squash Series Round 3

    Dear County Member

    Let's shake those post Christmas Blues away with the third Elitesquash series tournament of the 2024/25 season! The second event will take place on Saturday 25th of January 2025.

    As ever this event will be limited to 48 places and it will sell out quickly so don't hang around.

    A quick reminder of the Series tournament structure -

    - Grades from A-F based on squash levels (open to all levels)
    - Each grade consists of 8 people
    - Every player will play 3 matches
    - Matches are best of 3 Point A Rally to 11 (SUDDEN DEATH AT 10-10).
    - Prizes for the top 3 podium finisher's in each grade

    As ever this event will be limited to 48 places and it will sell out quickly so don't hang around.  Entry into the tournament will close as soon as 48 paid entries have been received.

    You can enter here